Clinical Simulation Sample

Opening Scene
An OTR working in an inpatient rehabilitation hospital receives a referral to evaluate an older adult who has a 5 year history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The patient retired from a job as a truck driver 9 months ago and lives with a spouse in a single-level home. The spouse, who works full time, reports the patient has had a recent decline in functional independence and now requires assistance to complete BADL including dressing, grooming, and bathing. The patient has a medical history of hypertension and obesity and is currently on 2 liters per minute of oxygen when sleeping at night.
Section 1
Which of the following questions should the OTR include as part of the INITIAL semi-structured interview?
Select “Yes” next to those options that are appropriate at this time. Select “No” if the option is not appropriate at this time. You must select either “Yes” or “No” for every option.
Yes      No   
A   “How would you describe your typical day?”
B   “Do you have the financial resources to hire someone to assist you while your spouse is at work?”
C   “Do you experience any shortness of breath during daily activities?”
D   “What types of activities do you like to do for leisure?”
E   “Does your spouse provide you with emotional support?”
F   “Are you experiencing any symptoms of anxiety?”
G   “Will your insurance pay for outpatient therapy services after discharge from your current hospitalization?”

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